est. 200824

Previously known as NJMFEED, ARCHIVESNJM is an account dedicated to posting all things related to NCT DREAM's NA JAEMIN!
This account serves as a way for people to get to know and appreciate JAEMIN more, as well as a content source for fans of NCT DREAM and JAEMIN alike!

- check our following for more account that post JAEMIN content + feed accounts for the other DREAM members
- for a list of safe JAEMIN fansites, see our lists
- for more information on JAEMIN, click here
general inquiries
- if you have any requests or questions, feel free to send something through our CuriousCat
- we'll do our best to refrain from posting content from unsafe sources, but if we do slip up please let us know!
- if you own any of the content we repost and would it to be removed, kindly tag us or send a cc and we will do so!
- if there are any fansites you would like removed or added to our safe fansite list, send us a cc!

- the primary language used on this account is english, although the admins will do their best to accommodate any requests or questions asked in another language
- feel free to embed our videos and edits, but please do not remove our watermark
- please do not repost our content on any other platform without permission

general info
Na Jaemin (나재민) was born in Jeonju, South Korea on August 13th 2000. He grew up in Seoul, and was actually scouted by SM entertainment while volunteering in 2013! Jaemin was formally introduced through SM Rookies, a pre-debut training team, in April of 2015. He trained for three years before debuting as a lead dancer, sub vocal, and sub rapper in the male idol group, NCT DREAM
find him on: